immersion #1


Stimulus: Konzert am 29.02.2024 | 18.00Uhr | Kulturbunker | Köln

w8_4c2 beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach den Möglichkeiten digitaler Manipulation analog erzeugter Klänge. Das Stück basiert auf einem einzigen Multiphonic, der von dem/der Instrumentalist:in für eine Dauer von ca. 120 Sekunden mittels Zirkuläratmung gehalten wird. Zum Ende dieses lang gehaltenen Klangs wird ein kurzer Abschnitt von ca. 4 Sekunden live gesampelt und geloopt. Während das so gewonnene Sample einfadet, wird der/die Musiker:in graduell leiser, bis das Instrument selbst nicht mehr zu hören ist. Der akustische Klang wird durch seine eigene digitale Repräsentation ersetzt. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt stellt der/die Instrumentalist:in das Instrument beiseite und nimmt einen MIDI-Controller zur Hand. Im weiteren Verlauf des Stücks manipuliert der/die Musiker:in den Ausgangsklang auf vielfältigste Weise.

w8_4c2 explores the possibilities of digitally manipulating sounds generated by analog means. The piece is centered around a single multiphonic sustained by the instrumentalist for approximately 120 seconds, employing circular breathing. Towards the conclusion of this prolonged sound, a brief section of about 4 seconds is live-sampled and looped. While the obtained sample fades in, the musician gradually becomes quieter until the instrument itself is no longer audible. The acoustic sound is replaced by its own digital representation. At this point, the instrumentalist sets aside the instrument and takes hold of a MIDI controller. Subsequentially, the musician manipulates the source sound in various ways.

w8_4c2 a letter to the performer

Dearest Performer,

you have before you the score for w8_4c2. This score is not meant to be seen as a deterministic document for a deterministic piece of music. I encourage you to use it as a guide for an experimental setup in sound exploration.

The score is divided into parts, each with temporal information. Please do not strictly adhere to these indications; they are meant as guidelines. While the version in the score has a duration of approximately 35 minutes, the piece can extend to 60 minutes or longer.

You might wonder: If the score is so 'imprecise’, how should I approach it?

Here's what I want you to do:
During the initial rehearsal phase, familiarize yourself with the score. Utilize it to learn the different parts and, above all, become acquainted with the Ableton Live-Set. Familiarize yourself with this unfamiliar instrument: The controller, in conjunction with the Ableton Live-Set. Learn the order and the nature of the various sections of the piece. If you have preexisting knowledge of digital tools for musical creation alongside a general understanding of how live-electronic sound manipulation works, this process should only require a few focussed practice sessions. 

Once you've done this, set the score aside (you can return to it as needed). The subsequent step is all about listening. As previously mentioned, w8_4c2 is a study in exploring sounds and textures. Listen to how the sounds you generate evolve, how harmonies and overtone structures change over time through your interaction with them. Allow them space and time. Grant yourself the freedom and time to delve deep — there's always something new to discover.

Another aspect I ask you to focus on is your multiphonic. Here, the same sound-exploration approach I just described applies. How many notes can you produce within your multiphonic? Which overtones emerge? Maybe you find a multiphonic you can develop over time?

Take time to experiment. Practice the multiphonic. Conceal your circular breathing as well as you can. If you perform the piece in different spaces, try different multiphonics in each space, as every room has its own specific acoustic properties, amplifying certain frequencies and dampening others. Choose the multiphonic that personally excites you the most.

Concerning the performance, I want you to approach it with a specific mindset. Instead of 'presenting' the piece to the audience, invite them to join you in this sonic exploration.

Lastly, have fun playing, enjoy the exploration, and send me a recording of your version. I would love to see and hear whatever you create.

With Love

Lorenz Rommelspacher, February 2024