immersion #2

S_4_F (Serenade for Field Recording)

Stimulus: Konzert am 13.06.2024 | 18.00Uhr | Kulturbunker | Köln

(Video) Field Recording ist ein Prozess, der einlädt – zum Verweilen und dazu, die Sinne auf Dinge zu schärfen – Klänge, Szenen, Gerüche… – die die meisten von uns im alltäglichen Leben höchstens unterbewusst wahrnehmen.

When I hear what we call music, it seems to me that someone is talking. And talking about his feelings, or about his ideas of relationships. But when I hear traffic, the sound of traffic—here on Sixth Avenue, for instance—I don't have the feeling that anyone is talking. I have the feeling that sound is acting. And I love the activity of sound ... I don't need sound to talk to me.
(John Cage, 1991)

Diese Fokussierung der eigenen Aufmerksamkeit auf die “Zwischentöne”, auf das, was hinter dem von uns Kontrollierbaren liegt, ist spätestens seit John Cages 4’33” oder Pauline Oliveros' Deep Listening im Kulturbetrieb angekommen.

Field Recording (sowohl Ton als auch Bild) bezeichnet, aus technischer Perspektive, die Praxis, Umgebungsgeräusche und/oder visuelle Eindrücke in natürlichen und urbanen Umgebungen einzufangen.

Auf diesem Prinzip beruht S_4_F. Alle Klänge und Bilder entstammen Umgebungsaufnahmen, die teils unbearbeitet, teils bis zur Unkenntlichkeit verfremdet in dem Stück verarbeitet werden.

Die Besucher:innen sind dazu eingeladen, genau hinzuhören und hinzusehen und sich zusammen mit dem Performer auf eine musikalisch-bildliche Entdeckungsreise zu begeben.

(Video) Field recording is a process that invites us to linger and to sharpen our senses to things — sounds, scenes, smells — that most of us perceive, at most, subconsciously in everyday life.

When I hear what we call music, it seems to me that someone is talking. And talking about their feelings, or about their ideas of relationships. But when I hear traffic, the sound of traffic—here on Sixth Avenue, for instance—I don't have the feeling that anyone is talking. I have the feeling that sound is acting. And I love the activity of sound ... I don't need sound to talk to me.
(John Cage, 1991)

This focus of one's attention on the "undertones," on what lies beyond our control, has found its place in the cultural industry at the latest since John Cage's 4'33" or Pauline Oliveros' Deep Listening.

From a technical perspective, field recording (both audio and visual) refers to the practice of capturing ambient sounds and/or visual impressions in natural and urban environments.

This principle is the foundation of S_4_F. All sounds and images come from environmental recordings, which are processed in the piece, either left untouched or altered beyond recognition.

Visitors are invited to listen and observe closely, and, together with the performer, embark on an audiovisual journey.